
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Word Press Vs Blogger

As an author, I get asked all the time about which blogging site I prefer and why. 

Honestly, I have my author blog on word press. If your an author and your looking to connect with readers and build your platform--then word press is good choice. 

But as you know, I also have blogs on blogger, too. Why? Because I like being in control of the ads on my blog without having to pay all the extra fees of self hosting my own site. Call me cheap... I like to think of it as being thrifty. 

So whenever I'm working with someone I usually ask them this question:

Do you want to make money from your blog?

If the answer is yes, I say go Blogger. 
If the answer is no, I say go Wordpress. 

Each of these sites are great sites to create a blog and start building your platform. And, as you know there are pros and cons to both of these. So I'll just list a few here:

BLOGGER (pros)
* connects with Google sites for building on additional web space 
* your choice if you want ads on your web log
* posting media and sharing videos is free
* you can use URL links as page tabs 
* your connected with Google+ platform
*hey, it's Google, why wouldn't it be a pro?

*static page - makes your blog appear like a website
*connects with your social media to get the word out you've posted a blog
*wider selection of available templates to customize your site
*more detailed stats and spam filter
*easy transition from free to self hosting 

BLOGGER (cons)
*limited templates unless you  know html to load xml files
*no set static page
*does not link with social media to notify of a new blog post
*only connects with Google+, you add FB and Twitter to your list

*you can't use URL links as page tabs
*you can't insert html code for photos, links, or ads such as affliates like Amazon
*you have to pay an extra fee for media to upload and use youtube videos
* you can't use html or xml files to customize your own template without extra fees

So what do they both have in common?
They both are open to your custom domain. 
They both allow you to connect with others and get your message out there. 
They both are user friendly tools for building a platform

So which one is better? 
Well, that my friends if for you to choose. 

What do you think? Which one are you currently using? or like me are you on both sites?


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